An automobile finance company has a Cisco contact center environment that services millions of customers. The internal IT staff has extensive experience in the manufacturing industry, but it remains hands-off with the company’s contact center and lacks the appropriate expertise to manage the Cisco environment.
The company’s previous managed services provider had only two engineers in place to support the entire environment. When the company would call in a ticket or the system would set off an alarm, the provider would contact Cisco to resolve the issue. Essentially, Cisco delivered the services, while the third-party managed services provider was only responsible for interacting with Cisco in place of the company.
Moving forward, the company desires to reach a monitoring state where it can sense, identify, and resolve issues before they occur. To accomplish this, it needs a platform that sends alarms to engineers with the necessary information to identify known issues and troubleshoot them to minimize the risk of downtime.
ConvergeOne’s managed services offer leverages OnGuard, a 24x7 purpose-built platform with state-of-the-art monitoring, management, and maintenance support for the Cisco contact center environment. The combination of the OnGuard platform and ConvergeOne’s highly skilled engineering team enables ConvergeOne to resolve 97% of all incidents in-house rather than relying on Cisco to handle the issues.
Read the full use case to discover how ConvergeOne helped the company offload responsibility for its contact center, with enhanced capabilities to immediately resolve issues.
Technology may not always be reliable—but ConvergeOne is. With OnGuard, we immediately respond to changes in your technology or business environments, so we’ll handle the problem before you, or your customers, notice it.
Learn more about OnGuard with a free demonstration today.