The hot pieces of legislation currently affecting the communications industry are Kari’s Law and the Ray Baum’s Act. At a high level, these two items deal with 911. Kari’s Law is about a company’s responsibility and requirement to ensure that users can dial 911 without needing to dial a code to get an outside line first. The Ray Baum Act is about making sure the system can identify and communicate the dispatchable location of that person who dialed 911.
Read MoreTopics: Unified Communications, E911
One of our Lead Solutions Architects at ConvergeOne (and a long-time member of the Ski Patrol), Leif Haslund, has told me that the most important piece of information to ask in an emergency is, “Where are you?” When an emergency happens and his team gets called, they must know where to go in order to give assistance.
Read MoreTopics: Unified Communications, Remote Working, E911
Ensuring an Optimal Microsoft Teams Experience for End Users
Posted on November 19, 2020 by Chad Atchley
It goes without saying that 2020 has been the most chaotic year of our lifetime, and changes we have experienced this year are likely to remain in place for the foreseeable future—if not indefinitely. The way that we collaborate with each other at work, the way our children are educated at school, and even how we spend our personal time with clubs, family, and church have changed.
Topics: Unified Communications, Video, Collaboration, Microsoft, Remote Working
It’s an irrefutable truth: COVID-19 has quickly changed the modern workplace. At the onset of the pandemic, many businesses rushed to put temporary solutions in place to protect their employees and keep up their operations. Because these solutions were only meant to be short-term, they are now starting to show their weaknesses and concerns around their reliability and security are beginning to arise. The result: Obstacles are looming everywhere for CIOs.
Read MoreTopics: Unified Communications, Microsoft, Remote Working
When employees were first sent to work from home, organizations scrambled to provide work-from-home software, devices, and infrastructure. As we transition to a new normal, it’s now important to reevaluate the initial infrastructure laid to support remote workers against a lasting, best-practice architecture. In the last entry, I shared the first three pillars for a thriving remote workforce. Let’s now explore the final three pillars.
Read MoreTopics: Unified Communications, Data Center, Cyber Security, Video, Remote Working, COVID-19
Operating a remote workforce is no longer just a remote possibility. A work-from-home war is being quietly waged across many organizations throughout the country, as workers who were forced to quickly establish home office environments now wish to remain in their home rather than return to commuting to an office. This tipping point has deep and wide ramifications for organizations attempting to return to pre-COVID-19 productivity levels.
Read MoreTopics: Unified Communications, Data Center, Cyber Security, Video, Remote Working, COVID-19
Best Practices for Securing Your Zoom Meetings
Posted on May 14, 2020 by ConvergeOne Collaboration Team
Zoom: Perception vs. Reality
Negative Press:
We have undoubtedly all heard the many reports questioning the security readiness of Zoom as of late. Are there impactful vulnerabilities, and is Zoom safe? We have even seen negative fallout due to some of the reported concerns. For example, the New York City school system has banned the use of Zoom as a direct result of the perceived security flaws within the Zoom platform. The problem is, much of what we are hearing is more about perception than reality, and the challenge is to sift through the facts versus fiction.
Read MoreTopics: Unified Communications, Cyber Security, Video, Remote Working, COVID-19
When it comes to planning for a remote and mobile workforce, a lot of companies are entering the second phase of their strategy, in which they are planning for a more permanent solution. The first phase was somewhere along the lines of, “This may not be the best approach, but we just need to get it done.” This included leveraging a lot of free temporary licenses, which typically had 30-90 day expiration dates, so they now need to figure out what’s next. At ConvergeOne, we’ve been having a lot of conversations about permanent solutions with customers. It might be because these customers think the “shelter in place” orders will be getting extended longer than first anticipated, but it might also be because people are seeing firsthand the value of enabling a remote, mobile workforce.
Read MoreTopics: Unified Communications, COVID-19
As the COVID-19 pandemic continues to compel people to work from home, countless companies are now holding daily meetings using web, audio, and video conferencing services from a variety of well-known providers. Though not the sole focus of our attention here, one that has received a significant amount of press is Zoom.
Read MoreTopics: Unified Communications, Cyber Security, Video, COVID-19
3 Steps to Take When Adopting Video Collaboration Technologies
Posted on April 21, 2020 by Adam Born
One of my best friends turned 40 a few of weeks ago. He lives in Colorado, I live in Illinois, and both of our states have been under shelter-in-place orders for a while now. Going to see him was not an option. The bigger problem, however, was that our local friends were not going to be able to join him, either. Instead, his wife put together a surprise Zoom meeting, and we all joined together in singing “Happy Birthday” and sharing a few minutes of conversation and well-wishes, along with the now-customary, “Stay safe.”
Read MoreTopics: Unified Communications, Video, Remote Working, COVID-19